After that, most of the girls went to have a make over for their hair in the salon in 建设二路 at the top level of supermart. It's the same salon where i went to cut my hair few weeks ago! Once they are settled down in the salon, A few of us who are not going to had a make over for our hair decided to go 七路 for a walk. However, we never expect that the rain have stop the stalls from setting up in the flea market. So we left no choice but to walk along the retail stalls for some window shopping.
Well after that we went back to hostel to rest...This is how we end our day...nothing much to do because of the rain..Well hopefully tomorrow doesn't rain so that we can shop whole day!!! woot ...
Self-reflection :
Today is the last day of our lecture, which means that we will soon going to take our exam when we get back to Singapore and even sooner we will be leaving this place. I hope everything will go smoothly and hope that everyone will cherish these few days...signing off now, need to sleep early! bye!