Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 14 - Chinese Philosophy

September 27 ,2010 Chinese philosophy for IS today! Now every IS lesson are all conducted by Ms grace. Well your might be thinking who is ms Grace. There will be a picture showing you guys who's my IS teacher.AHAH! Chinese philosophy sounds boring but actually i enjoyed the lesson today in IS. Getting to know more about the history of chinese philosophy and also able to learn more about those motto from those famous Philosophiers such as 孔子. Alright pictures now !

Ms Grace :D

Some of the powerpoint slides i took !
After IS, we all went to had our lunch at the soup restuarant. After that me and Yuhaw went to 建设二路 to buy some stuffs. After that we joined Yuchan and gang to buy present for Zhen Zhao bday! Dinner was at greenery Cafe and everyone was informed to reached there by 530pm.
Greenery Cafe

Soup and red Wine

My group and the Bday boy~
Thats end of today's blogging. Well HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY ZHEN ZHAO! CHEERS

Self- reflection :
Today IS lesson is really a great learning experience for me. I find that Chinese philosophy are interesting where those famous Chinese philosophers like 孔子 and 孟子 wrote things which are really very practical to life. Those quote is educational which really teaches people how to become a real person. Well i find that china education has made the right choice for letting their students to study those quotes from these famous philosophers because from my personal point of view. I think that those quotes they say are true and if we really learn and used them in our daily life, i guess our life will be more fruitful....

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