Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 14 - Chinese Philosophy

September 27 ,2010 Chinese philosophy for IS today! Now every IS lesson are all conducted by Ms grace. Well your might be thinking who is ms Grace. There will be a picture showing you guys who's my IS teacher.AHAH! Chinese philosophy sounds boring but actually i enjoyed the lesson today in IS. Getting to know more about the history of chinese philosophy and also able to learn more about those motto from those famous Philosophiers such as 孔子. Alright pictures now !

Ms Grace :D

Some of the powerpoint slides i took !
After IS, we all went to had our lunch at the soup restuarant. After that me and Yuhaw went to 建设二路 to buy some stuffs. After that we joined Yuchan and gang to buy present for Zhen Zhao bday! Dinner was at greenery Cafe and everyone was informed to reached there by 530pm.
Greenery Cafe

Soup and red Wine

My group and the Bday boy~
Thats end of today's blogging. Well HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY ZHEN ZHAO! CHEERS

Self- reflection :
Today IS lesson is really a great learning experience for me. I find that Chinese philosophy are interesting where those famous Chinese philosophers like 孔子 and 孟子 wrote things which are really very practical to life. Those quote is educational which really teaches people how to become a real person. Well i find that china education has made the right choice for letting their students to study those quotes from these famous philosophers because from my personal point of view. I think that those quotes they say are true and if we really learn and used them in our daily life, i guess our life will be more fruitful....

Day 13 - Last day touring 3 gorges

September 26 2010 Last day on the cruise! Woke up early in the morning to pack up everything before leaving the cruise. We left the cruise at 7am and proceed to take a bus to the 三峡大坝 ( 3 gorges DAM ).
First stop was to the visitor centre in the 3 gorges. Just sharing some information regarding about the 3 gorges. They spent roughly RMB 20billion to build the Dam and they need 9 years to complete the whole project and will end in 2012.

After that we went to another part of the Dam to take some photo. The area is call the 185 观景点(185 Sight-seeing)

Tour ends around 11am and we all board the bus and head to a restuarant to have our lunch!!

We finished our lunch in around 40mins time and headed back to WUST in 青山,BUT in the middle of the journey there's an accident which jams up the whole highway. A container full of cabbage overturn! Heres the picture!

Self-reflection :

Finally ended the 3 day 2 night tour in the 3 gorges. Feeling very tired but it's an enjoyable trip! Today as i said that i was stuckin the middle of the highway because of the accident. Well firstly i thought that we are going to stuck there for atleast 5-6hrs because of the car accident but i neverthought that even though china is so big, their policeman still able to reach the area in aroudn 10mins? And the delay in Jam is less than an hour. This shows that china policeman are still efficient. Well quite sorry for the lorry driver who delivers the cabbages because all the cabbages dropped onto the floor and there's alot of people picking up them. I think because people in china have a hard time earning money and mostly are poor, so they will just go there and pick up those cabbages that are less damage and bring back home... hopefully this will act as a reminder for us that not to waste food.. hhaha alright signing off , cya!

Day 12 - 2nd day in 3 gorge (continue from day 1~)

September 28 , 2010 continuing from day1 in cruise. I didn't manage to sleep early even though its on cruise. We are all waiting for the second Lock which says the be one of the biggest lock passing through the 3 gorges. So after the first lock, we all went back to room to play cards , watch tv etc . Once there's announcement, we all will rush out from the room to the deck of the cruise to view the locks. Took quite alot of pictures since we got nothing to do, but cant upload all in blog because it will flood the blog with alot of pictures. AHAHA! okay lets take a look on my day 2 journey ...

Passing 2nd Lock, at around 1am?

Another cruise passing the locks too, But their cruise is much better than us!
After this we all went to nap and woke up early in the morning to proceed to another tourist attraction in 3 gorges . Woke up at around 7am to take breakfast and then went back to sleep until 10am before alighting the cruise to take a small boat to tour around the 神女溪. Here are some of the pictures i took.


Alight the Ship to take small boats to 神女溪
Their tour boat :p

The tourguide

Group Photo of my Group again!

The gorge!

Our Lunch!

After lunch , we proceed to another tourist attraction called 白帝城 which its a temple preserve long ago. Before reaching the temple ,we need to climb 400steps up to the temple. Its VERY tiring!! But i manage to walk up in the end! Here are some of the pics!


This picture below is a place where Liu bei and other generals are having their meeting

Self-reflection :
Today we had tour quite a few tourist attraction. First is the 神女溪followed by the 白帝城. Firstly for touring the 神女溪 in the gorge, it reminded me of the times when i was in taiwan touring the tarako gorge. It brings me back to the days where i also enjoyed alot with my secondary buddies and never forget what my Geography teacher told me about the formation of the gorge. As i think of it, it's rather fortunate for me to encounter such experience again. Next tourist attaction on 白帝城 is also another experience for me where i seems to be teleported back to the past where the surroundings were exactly what Tv shows. Also from there, we can view beautiful scenery at the top of the 白帝城. Thats all for today, Good bye!

Day 11 - 3 gorge tour , HERE I COME !

September 24 , 2010 is the first day of our trip to 3 gorges. Feeling very excited because its my 1st time taking cruise. Packed everything and get ready to set off our journey to the 3 gorges. The total journey from our hostel to the 3 gorges was 5 hrs. Alright hop in and lets go!

We are all ready to setoff!

A toilet break after 2hours bus ride in the bus
Finally reach Yi chang

We went to take our dinner at this 三味酒楼 before boarding the cruise
This is the food we eat. As usual i eat everything :p

Entry to the cruise

Group E photo

Our cruise, the 2nd ferry behind

After boarding the cruise , we put our belongings and went up to the deck of the cruise to view the whole scenery. On top of that, everyone is waiting the cruise to pass the Locks. I took some of these pictures so enjoy!

Ferry Approaching the Locks!

Going into the lock

In the lock

Self-reflection :
Today is the touring of the 3 gorges in 宜昌. I feel very excited because stated above in my blog that it's my first time taking a cruise. Also i heard from alot of people that 3 gorges had alot of beautiful sceneries for people to take photo. In singapore i doubt we have a gorge. As for passing the locks, i find that its a new experience for me and everyone. I did study the whole process of passing the locks during Maritime Management but personally expericing this whole process is totally another feeling. Its a new experiece where not everyone got the chance to have it unless they come to 3 gorges or panama /suez canal.Well i will keep on update for these few days throughout the whole journey. Hopefully i am able get some pictures for you guys. Thats all for today...